South Korea Research Trip

Thanks to the gracious support of the Korean War Legacy Foundation and the MPVA, R.O.K., we are able to take a collection of teachers on a week long research trip to South Korea.  Educators will focus on how South Korea has developed into the nation it is today.

The city of Seoul in 1953 and now.

The city of Seoul in 1953 and now.

Education Ambassadors

In the past, roughly 30 teachers attend the research trip to South Korea.  Among many other activities the ambassadors enjoyed a tour of a Buddhist temple, visiting the DMZ, and participating in a special ceremony with veterans at the national cemetery.

Veterans and educators at the national cemetery for a remembrance ceremony.

Veterans and educators at the national cemetery for a remembrance ceremony.



  • Make payment of half of airfare and deposit of $300.00

  • Attend webinars (3)

  • Complete readings focusing on Korean history and culture

  • Participate on discussion boards with other fellows about the readings and webinars

  • Turn in foundation task by 7/2/18. (Transcription of interview, Conducting veteran interview, or field test educational materials).


  • Create a lesson that focuses on Korea. Due 12/31/18
    Possible themes could be the simultaneous democratization and economic growth of South Korea after the Korean War, Diplomatic relations between North and South Korea, or anything highlighting the history and culture of the peninsula.

  • Proof of presentation to a district, state, or regional education organization about lesson and trip.

Although this fellowship is listed as a trip, the commitment is more than just travel to Korea. Fellows complete four cycles to fulfill their requirements to the foundation.

The first cycle, or the pre-trip phase will have fellows register for the trip, including paying the deposit and working with a specific travel agent to book their domestic and international flight. The first cycle also has fellows complete readings, discussions, and webinars. This is to build a background about the history and culture of Korea, in order to prepare fellows for the trip experience. Fellows will also be tasked with completing a task as part of their service. This could take the form of conducting an interview with a Korean War or Korean Defense Force veteran, transcribing an existing interview with a veteran, or field-testing education materials created through the foundation.

The second cycle, is the trip to Korea.

The third cycle, or post trip phase has fellows create a lesson plan based on Korean history and culture and do a presentation about their lesson at a district, state, or regional organization. While the lesson plan and evidence of presentation are due by 12/31, the fellows need to be aware that they may be required to perform revisions to their lessons in order to fulfill their requirements and be reimbursed their deposit.

The fourth cycle of the trip is the community phase. After completion of the lesson plan, participants will become members of the Korean Fellows Alumni Association. This community group will receive newsletters and e-mail updates from the foundation with information on teaching Korean history and culture. Furthermore, alumni fellows will be added into the Korean Fellow Alumni Association Facebook page in order to stay connected and share ideas with other fellows.

Note: If you fail to complete the required tasks, you will not be permitted to participate in future KWLF events and will forfeit your deposit.

Shopping in a bustling historic district.

Shopping in a bustling historic district.


Educators who are chosen for this trip will pay half of their airfare and a $300 deposit.  All other expenses, lodging, food, tours, etc. will be covered thanks to the gracious support of our sponsors.


Ready to apply?  Click below 

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Questions?  Please email

Thomas Clouse at